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Event Types

The table below lists all the event types that can be returned when calling the events call of Showpad's Content Reporting API service.

Showpad App / Experience

             Event Type                              Information
app-openedA sales user opened the Showpad app.
channel-usedAn Experience was opened and used.
experience-tracked-eventA custom Experience App event was triggered (the meaning of the event is defined by the Experience App owners).


             Event Type                              Information
asset-in-app-viewedAsset was viewed by a sales/admin user in the Showpad.
asset-in-app-downloadedAsset was downloaded in the app.
asset-sharedA sales user shared an asset with a prospect.
shared-asset-viewedProspect viewed an asset in a share.
shared-asset-downloadedA prospect downloads an asset that was shared with them.


             Event Type                              Information
share-viewedA share was viewed by a prospect.
share-createdA share was sent out by a sales user.
share-email-openedAn email share was opened in the inbox (without clicking on the share link).
share-resharedA share was forwarded by a prospect to another (potentially previously unknown) contact.

Shared Space

             Event Type                              Information
sharedspace-added-assetA sales user added an asset to a Shared Space.
sharedspace-added-commentA Shared Space participant added a comment to a Shared Space.
sharedspace-createdA sales user created a Shared Space.
sharedspace-invited-participantA sales user invited a participant to the Shared Space.
sharedspace-joinedThe invitee joined the Shared Space.
sharedspace-opened-inviteThe invitee opened the invite for the Shared Space.
sharedspace-removed-assetA sales user removed an asset to a Shared Space.
sharedspace-removed-commentA sales user removed a comment to a Shared Space.
sharedspace-revoked-accessA sales user revoked access for a participant.
sharedspace-revoked-access-allA sales user revoked access for all participants.
sharedspace-unrevoked-accessA sales user has undone revoking access for a participant.
sharedspace-unrevoked-access-allA sales user has undone revoking access for all participants.
sharedspace-viewedA member of the Shared Space viewed a Shared Space.
sharedspace-viewed-assetA member of the Shared Space viewed an asset within a Shared Space.