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5min Quick Start

Eager to dive right in and get started as quickly as possible? Keep reading to learn how you can create a simple Showpad App in less than 5 minutes.


This tutorial walks you through:

You'll find the app template with all the files required to run, test and bundle your App in this GitHub repository.


No frameworks or UI kits are needed for this tutorial. The examples here use vanilla TypeScript to keep the app as light as possible. To scaffold, run, and build the app, we'll use Vite (you can use the tooling of your choice to achieve these tasks).




  • Showpad Ultimate package
  • Administrator access to Showpad's Online Platform

1. Initialize App

  • Clone the GitHub Respository

    To initialise your App you’ll have to clone this GIT repository to the folder of your choice:

    git clone
  • Install NodeJS Dependencies

    In your folder of the cloned repository, run the following command:

    npm install

    This will install:

  • Login to Showpad

    Next, you need to connect to your Showpad environment. Run the following command and follow the prompt:

    npx showpad login

    Your token must have the Automatically refresh acccess tokens scope enabled.

    See the Commands Overview for in-depth information about the login command.

  • Update the Manifest

    In the cloned repository's manifest.json file, update the following fields with your values:

    • appKey
    • name
    • description
    • developer

    See The Manifest File for more information.

2. Define App logic

The folders of your app's Extensions contain the logic of your app:

Each of these folders contains an index.html and src/main.ts. This is where you write the code for your Extensions:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8" />
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="./src/style.css" />
<title>Testing App</title>
<div id="userGreetings" class="user-greetings"></div>

<script type="module" src="./src/main.ts"></script>
import { Showpad } from '@showpad/experience-app-sdk';

const showGreetings = async (): Promise<void> => {
const userInfo = await Showpad.getUserInfo();
document.querySelector<HTMLDivElement>('#userGreetings')!.innerHTML = `Hello ${userInfo.fullName}!`;

const main = async (): Promise<void> => {
try {
// Wait for the Showpad SDK to be initialized
await Showpad.onShowpadLibLoaded();

// Show greetings
await showGreetings();
} catch (error) {


This code leverages the Experience App SDK. It waits for the SDK to be ready, to get the name of the logged in user, and show a message if there are any errors.

3. Build Your App

In the root folder of your app, run the following command:

npm run build

This will generate a distribution folder containing the resources of your Extensions.

4. Bundle Your App

To generate a Showpad package of your app, run the bundle command:

npm run bundle

This will generate the <your-app-key>.0.0.1.showpad file in your app's root folder.

5. Upload to Showpad

In the root folder of your app run the upload command:

npx showpad apps upload <your-app-key>.0.0.1.showpad

For more details about uploading your app to Showpad, see Upload Package to Showpad.


By uploading the app to your own organization via the Showpad CLI, you don't need to assign it.

6. Install & View Your App

Now you can install your app through the Online Platform.


Once your app is installed, you should see the following enhancements in the Showpad platform:

  • A new entry in the Admin Settings of the Online Platform:


  • A new option when creating an Experience:


  • A new entry in a user's Settings in the Web app:
