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Version 2.x (legacy)

Legacy Process

The information here applies only for Showpad Apps v1 (deprecated). While your existing v1 Showpad Apps will continue to work, we strongly recommend:

The Experience App CLI is Showpad's command line tool to help you build Showpad Apps.

It allows you to run specific commands to:


The Experience App CLI is compatable with the following environments (Node.js 15+):

  • GNU/Linux
  • macOS
  • Windows

Safari doesn't accept WebSocket connections from insecure origins (the Experience App CLI), preventing the Development Proxy App from working. We highly recommend using other browsers to open the Development Proxy App while developing your app on Safari. :::


Installation of the Experience App CLI is done during the Development phase with the following command:

npm install @showpad/experience-app-cli@2.2.0 -D

Available Commands

The following is a description of the available commands that you'll use during the development phase.


You can use the --help option on every command to get more information about the command and its available options.


This command initializes the Showpad App by verifying and/or creating required files. You'll be prompted to provide Showpad access credentials.

npx experience-app-cli init

Available Options


You can synchronize the manifest.json version from the package.json file. This is helpful when working with Semantic Versioning.

npx experience-app-cli sync

To use Semantic Versioning to update the version of your app, run the following command with the increment type. Git tags are created by default.

npm version [newversion | major | minor | patch | premajor | preminor | prepatch | prerelease | from-git]


This command creates a .showpad bundle by checking required files and bundling a folder. It defaults to the current working directory.

npx experience-app-cli bundle

Available Options

Source Files

Showpad Apps can not have duplicate source files (manifest.json, config.json, index.html) in your project.

When using a build tool, you should delete the directory built after bundling or use lib or dist as build directories since the Experience App CLI will ignore these directories.


To create a new app Channel from a .showpad bundle, run the following command:


npx experience-app-cli create

Available Options


This command will install the Development Proxy App on the configured domain so you can develop on your localhost with it. It opens up a socket that the Development Proxy App will communicate with while you're developing.

npx experience-app-cli proxy


This command generates TypeScript types based on the schemas in the SDM (Structured Data Manager).

npx experience-app-cli generateSdmTypes

Option Details

All commands have optional flags available. The Experience App CLI will not prompt if the corresponding option is present and valid, however if an invalid option is passed, it will prompt.


All options are mandatory in -u, --unattended mode. The Experience App CLI will throw an error if the option is neither present nor valid.

-u, --unattended

This option allows you to run a CLI command unattended.

Unattended mode requires all options to be present and will throw an error if any are missing or don't pass validation.

Unattended mode is different in some aspects than passing all options in the default (attended) mode. For example, unattended mode has some default values for prompts or values that can not be passed through options.

In addition, running in unattended mode will do the following:

  • automatically create the manifest.json file from the package.json
  • automatically select the first Development Proxy App (if multiple are present)
  • throw errors on invalid options instead of prompting the value


This option allows you to pass your Showpad domain to your app.

--hostThe address of your Showpad domain.

Example: --host


This option allows you to pass your Showpad OAuth client ID to your app.

--client_idThe ID of your Showpad OAuth client.

Example: --client_id fhudsahfiuadshfgidusahfidusfghaisudf

You can learn all about authentication, authorization, and OAuth clients in the Showpad API section.


This option allows you to pass your Showpad OAuth client secret to your app.

--client_secretThe secret of your Showpad OAuth client.

Example: --client_secret example_client_secret

You can learn all about authentication, authorization, and OAuth clients in the Showpad API section.


This option allows you to pass a Showpad username to your app.

--usernameThe email address a user logs into Showpad with.

Example: --username


This option allows you to pass a Showpad user's password to your app.

--passwordA Showpad user's password.

Example: --password mySecur3pwd

If SSO is being used to log into Showpad, you must set username and password authentication to make use of the Experience App CLI. This does not alter your existing SSO setup. You can always use the forgot password manual to quickly set a password.


This option allows you to pass the source directory of your project to your app. Common directories are src and public.

--srcThe source directory of your project.

Example: --src public

Beware if you pass the --src option while not having an index.html file. The Experience App CLI will place it in the same directory as config.json and manifest.json files , which can be unintended. However, most framework scaffolding will already generate an index.html.


This option allows you to pass the build directory of your project to your app. Common directories are src and dist.

--distThe build directory of your project.

Example: --dist src

Most build tools will compile your code to a specific directory like dist. You can just select your src directory if you aren't using a build tool.


This option allows you to pass the output directory of your bundle (relative to the current working directory) to your app.

--outputThe output directory of your project.

Example: --output myoutputdirectory

The output path is relative to the current working directory. You can use dots to navigate to the parent directories. For example:

  • your folder structure: monolith/subproject
  • your current working directory: monolith/subproject
  • desired build location: monolith

You can execute the following command:

npx experience-app-cli bundle --output ../


This option allows you to pass the name of an app Channel to your app.

--channel_nameThe name of an app Channel.

Example: --channel_name SuperCoolStuff


This option allows you to pass the ID of an app Channel to your app.

--channel_idThe ID of an app Channel.

Example: --channel_id xyz123abc


This option allows you to overwrite the values of the config.json file while updating an app Channel.

--coverwrite_valuesFlag to overwrite the values in the config.json file.

Example: --overwrite_values